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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Strange candy from around the world

We have some pretty strange candy here at SugarPop's, like our bug candy or bacon soda but here are a few strange candies from around the world! Would you want to try any of these?

1.) Salsaghetti
Origin: Mexico
Salsaghetti is spicy watermelon straws that you top with a packet of tamarind sauce. Yum?

2.) High Concentrated Milk candy 
Origin: Japan 
This candy doesn't really need an explanation. It's simply candy that taste like milk. 

3.) Black and Gold Musk flavored sticks 
Origin: Australia 
Australia is home to a lot of different things, but what exactly does musk taste like? 
4.) Lemon Salt and Lemon pop rocks 
Origin: Spain 
If you like sour things this is probably the best thing for you! 

5.)Orion Kočiči Jazyčky
Origin: Czech Republic 
This one goes out to all you crazy cat ladies (and gentlemen)! Chocolate molded into the shape of kitten tongues. 

6.) Victory Creamy corn candy 
Origin: Malaysia

7.) Echizen Kurage candy
Origin: Japan 
This candy is made from the Echizen Kurage, a 6 foot 440 pound jelly fish! It comes in a combination flavor of jelly-fish and carmel. Savory and sweet? This candy was made to help fight the swarms of Echizen Kurage that were taking over the sea population. 

8.) Ika 
Origin: Japan 
The japanese seem to like infusing aquatic life into their candies. Ika is chocolate covered squid! 

9.) Grilled Lamb Caramels 
Origin: Japan 
Yes, we know you probably just re-read the title of this candy. And yes, you did read it right. 

10.) Deviled egg candy
Origin: Japan 
I wonder if these taste like deviled eggs! 

-SugarPop's Candy and Soda Shop 
248 N. Main Street 
Mooresville, NC 

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